Education Sponsors

Education Sponsors

Education continues to be central to the orchestra’s mission, made possible through generous annual donations and significant investment from the BPO. The BPO invests almost $1.2 million annually in its education programs, with income from tickets and grants covering only half the expenses. The BPO extends our deepest gratitude to the corporations, foundations and individuals that help make our award-winning education and outreach programs possible.


Presenting Sponsors
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Supporting Sponsors


The Better Buffalo Fund at the CFGB
William and Ida Christie Fund for Music
Conable Family Foundation
Robert J. and Martha B. Fierle Foundation
Fisher Family Fund
Hooper Legacy Foundation
The MAK Fund
Montgomery Family Foundation
The Vincent and Harriet Palisano Foundation
Vogt Family Foundation
Ralph C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Funds at CFGB


Anne E. Conable
George I. and Bodil Gellman
Joseph and Lynne Giroux
Curtis and Carolyn Holmes
Philip Hubbell
Michael and Marilee Keller
Drs. Monica and Stephen Spaulding
The Stenclik Family
and many anonymous friends and supporters! Thank you!

Next Generation Education Fund

To ensure that the BPO’s education programs continue and thrive, the Next Generation Education Fund was established as a part of the BPO’s endowment during the Crescendo Campaign. The Fund supports key growth strategies for our education programs and allows us to expand our reach throughout the region.  Thank you to the following contributors for their support!

Cheryl Christie
Dr. Sebastian* & Marilyn Ciancio
Judith Fisher
Bill & Pat Frederick
Curtis & Carolyn Holmes
Paul R. Lazarus, Jr.
Barbara Mellerski-Farkas
Sanford & Margery Nobel
The Stenclik Family
Stephen Still & Terrie Tucker
Uniland Development
Vogt Family Foundation
and many anonymous friends and supporters! Thank you!
