“Soundwave” concert set to be a blast, Lloyd Huff Jr., Buffalo State Record

“Soundwave,” a symphonic, indie rock, gypsy jazz mash-up kicks off at Kleinhans Music Hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, September 24. The concert is a collaboration between the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra and two popular Buffalo bands, Babik and The Albrights.

“Soundwave” will certainly be innovative. According to Kate Mockler Jenkins, communications coordinator for the BPO, “It’s a concert like none we’ve ever mounted before, featuring rock and EDM-inspired music by today’s hottest composers and performances from local bands Babik and The Albrights in front of the orchestra.”

The BPO is an internationally recognized orchestra well known for its ability to fuse modern genre music with classic symphonic sound. Stefan Sanders, BPO associate conductor will be at the podium for the concert, conducting works by contemporary rock-inspired composers and songwriters Mason Bates, Adam Shoenberg and Sujfan Stevens.

“Soundwave” is an aptly titled concert as it will feature back and forth, and simultaneous play between the orchestra and the bands on stage. Babik lead guitarist Stu Fuchs, who’s played with the BPO in the past, can’t wait to relive the experience, and getting the BPO to play a few Black Sabbath riffs as well.

In regard to his previous experience with the BPO, Fuchs said, “It felt thrilling to be one wave on an ocean of sound, it’s a very visceral experience to be playing with 100-plus musicians in an acoustically perfect room like Kleinhans,” Fuchs said, “I looked down to see my pant legs flapping in the breeze that the brass section was making.”

The BPO picked music that it feels will pair well with both The Albrights and Babik.

Joe Donohue, one of two lead singers, speaking on behalf of The Albrights, is excited as well.

“The point of this concert, the thrilling part of this concert, is the blend, the unique combination of our sounds as one.”

According to Donohue, newcomers and fans alike will enjoy this experience.

“Our music is like your favorite playlist; at first the styles might not all seem to fit, but there’s always something in each of our songs that people attach to; that ties this ‘playlist rock’ together.”

“All of these composers are fairly young, and have been influenced by their surroundings,” Sanders said, “You will have no difficulty understanding that Mason Bates has spent some time at a rave or two. And that Jonathan Newman has an affinity for P. Funk.”

Sanders believes that newcomers and longtime supporters of the BPO alike are going to love this performance. He said, “This concert will blow away any preconceived notions you may or may not have about the BPO. Don’t miss out!”

The event is being sponsored by University at Buffalo University Life and Services, and a competitive grant for innovation from the J. Warren Perry and Charles Donald Perry Memorial Fund, through the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo.

Tickets can be purchased on the Buffalo Philharmonic website, bpo.org, or from the Box Office, (716) 885-5000. They are $20 general admission; $10 for students with a valid ID, and include a slice of pizza and a beer or soft drink at the after party, featuring a live DJ and the Verve Studio Dancers. There is a $5.50 surcharge if you order online.