BPO Classics Repertoire 1966-1967

BPO Classics Repertoire 1966-1967

22, 25 October 1966
Beethoven – Egmont Overture, op.84
Mozart – Symphony No.38 in D major, K.504 “Prague”
Stravinsky – Oedipus Rex
Lukas Foss, conductor
Leslie Fiedler, narrator
Beverly Wolff, mezzo-soprano
Jon Crain, tenor
Heinz Rehfuss, bass-baritone
SUNYAB Male Chorus,
R.S. Beckwith, director
Houghton College Men’s Chorus,
Robert Shewan, director

30 October, 1 November 1966
Mahler – Symphony No.7: Nachtmusik I, II, Scherzo
Schubert/Webern – Songs: Thraenenregen
Schubert/Webern – Songs: Der Wegweiser
Schubert/Webern – Songs: Ihr Bild
Schubert/Webern – Songs: Du Bist Die Ruh
Schubert/Webern – Songs: Romanza aus Rosamunde
Webern – O Santes Gluehen {World Premiere}
Webern – Leise Duefte {World Premiere}
Webern – Songs, op.13: Wiese im Park
Webern – Songs, op.13: Die Einsame
Webern – Songs, op.13: In der Fremde
Webern – Songs, op.13: Ein Winterabend
Wagner – Götterdämerung: Funeral Music
Lukas Foss, conductor
Marni Nixon, soprano

13, 15 November 1966
Wagner – Siegfried Idyll
MacDowell – Piano Concerto No.2
Mennin – Canto for Orchestra
Respighi – Pines of Rome
Lukas Foss, conductor
Andre Watts, pianist

20, 22 November 1966
Monteverdi – Fanfare from “The Vespers”
Bach – Concerto for Violin, Oboe and Strings
Bach – Piano Concerto in F minor
Brahms – Symphony No.4 in E minor, op.98
Lukas Foss, conductor and pianist
Albert Pratz, violinist
Rodney Pierce, Oboist

4, 6 December 1966
Schubert – Symphony No.5 in B-flat major
Schumann – Cello Concerto in A minor, op.129
Bloch – Schelomo, A Hebrew Rhapsody
Strauss, R. – Salome: Dance of the Seven Veils
Lukas Foss, conductor
Leonard Rose, cellist

11, 13 December 1966
Bruckner – Symphony No.9 in D minor
Beethoven – Violin Concerto in D major, op.61
Lukas Foss, conductor
Isaac Stern, violinist
Handel – Messiah
Lukas Foss, conductor
Saramae Endich, soprano
Florence Kopleff, contralto
John Craig, tenor
Yi-Kwei Yze, bass/baritone
Squire Haskin, continuo
Festival Chorus SUCNY Fredonia,
Harriet Simons, director

15, 17 January 1967
Schönberg – Five Pieces for Orchestra op.16
Villa-Lobos – Fantasy for Cello and Orchestra
Berlioz – Symphonie fantastique, op.14
Eleazar de Carvalho, conductor
Howard Colf, Cellist

29, 31 January 1967
Castiglione – Concerto for Orchestra
Mozart – Clarinet Concerto in A major, K.622
Mussorgsky – Boris Goudunov: Scenes
Richard Dufallo, conductor, clarinetist
Nicola Ghiuselev, bass-baritone
Warren Hoffer, tenor
Buffalo Schola Cantorum
Robert S.Beckwith, director

5, 7 February 1967
Berlioz – Le Corsaire Overture
Vaughan Williams – Flos Campi
Hindemith – Symphonic Metamorphosis on Themes by Weber
Rachmaninoff – Symphony No.2 in E minor, op.27
Walter Hendl, guest conductor
Jesse Levine, violist
Fredonia College Choir,
Richard Sheil, director

19, 21 February 1967
Bizet – Symphony No.1 in C major
Pousseur – Rimes
Tchaikovsky – Violin Concerto in D major, op.35
Lukas Foss, conductor
Zino Francescatti, violinist

26, 28 February 1967
Brahms – Variations on a Theme by Haydn, op.56a
Haydn – Symphony No.98 in B-flat major
Brahms – Piano Concerto No.2 in B-flat major, op.83
Lukas Foss, conductor
Claudio Arrau, pianist

12, 14 March 1967
Ligeti – Apparitions
Bartók – Piano Concerto No.3
Tchaikovsky – Symphony No.5 in E minor, op.64
Lukas Foss, conductor
Peter Serkin, pianist

19, 21 March 1967
Copland – Billy the Kid
Ravel – Piano Concerto in G major
Thomson – Sea Piece with Birds
Debussy – La Mer
Lukas Foss, conductor
Tong Il Han, pianist

2, 4 April 1967
Stravinsky – Ode
Beethoven – Missa Solemnis, op.123
Lukas Foss, conductor
Louise Natale, soprano
Anne Graff, mezzo-soprano
Warren Hoffer, tenor
Simon Estes, bass
Festival Chorus SUCNY Fredonia,
Harriet Simons, director

6 May 1967
Smit – Symphony No.2
Kohn – Interludes for Orchestra
Sessions – Symphony No.5
Mennin – Symphony No.7
Walter Hendl, conductor

28 May 1967
Marvel – Canzona Symphonic
Sapp – The Double Image
Cage – Concerto for Prepared Piano and Orchestra
Babbitt – Philomel
Foss – Concerto for Cello and Orchestra
Lukas Foss, conductor, pianist
John Cage, composer, conductor
Bethany Beardslee, soprano
Mstislav Rostropovich, cellist