BPO Classics Repertoire 1968-1969

BPO Classics Repertoire 1968-1969

19, 22 October 1968
Mozart – Don Giovanni: Music for Three Orchestras and Overture
Mozart – The Marriage of Figaro: Deh vieni non tardar
Mozart – The Magic Flute: Der Hoelle Rache
Mahler – Symphony No.4 in G major
Lukas Foss, conductor
Roberta Peters, soprano

27, 29 October 1968
Debussy – Jeux
Crumb – Echoes of Time and the River
Mozart – Piano Concerto No.27 in B-flat major, K.595
Melvin Strauss, conductor
Robert Casadesus, pianist

10, 12 November 1968
Schumann – Symphony No.4 in D minor, op.120
Carter – Piano Concerto
Berlioz – Roman Carnival Overture, op.9
Lukas Foss, conductor
Jacob Lateiner, pianist

17, 19 November 1968
Beethoven – Consecration of the House Overture
Bartók – Music for Strings, Percussion and Celeste
Rachmaninoff – Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor, op.30
Melvin Strauss, conductor
Vladimir Ashkenazy, pianist

24, 26 November 1968
Takemitsu – The Dorian Horizon
Smit – Concerto for Orchestra and Piano
Haydn – Piano Concerto in D major
Schubert – Symphony No.9 in C major “The Great”
Lukas Foss, conductor
Leo Smit, pianist

8, 10 December 1968
Handel – Viola Concerto
Sapp – Second Suite
Tchaikovsky – Nutcracker (excerpts)
Lukas Foss, conductor
Jesse Levine, violist

21, 22 December 1968
Handel – Messiah
Lukas Foss, conductor
Anne Elgar, soprano
Betty Allen, contralto
Joseph Sopher, tenor
Raymond Michalski, bass
Melvin Strauss, continuo
Buffalo Schola Cantorum,
Peter Van Dyck, director

12, 14 January 1969
Berlioz – Benvenuto Cellini: Overture
Milhaud – Suite Provencale
Rodrigo – Concerto Andaluz for Four Guitars
Dvorak – Symphony No.7 in D minor, op.70
Walter Susskind, conductor
The Romeros, guitar quartet

19, 21 January 1969
Tchaikovsky – Music from Suite No.4 “Mozartiana”
Mozart – Violin Concerto No.5 in A major, K.219 “Turkish”
Rochberg – Music for the Magic Theater
Reger – Variations and Fugue on a Theme by Mozart
Melvin Stauss, conductor
Erica Morini, violinist

26, 28 January 1969
Prokofiev – Romeo and Juliet
Kraft – Concerto for Percussion and ord
Mendelssohn – Symphony No.3 in A minor, op.56 “Scottish”
Henry Lewis, guest conductor
New Percussion Quartet
Edward Burnham, percussionist
Lynn Harbold, percussionist
John Rowland, percussionist
Jan Williams, percussionist

9, 11 February 1969
Hindemtih – Konzertmusik for Brass and Strings
Beethoven – Piano Concerto No.4 in G major, op.58
Brahms – Symphony No.1 in C minor, op.68
Lukas Foss, conductor
Cifford Curzon, pianist

16, 18 February 1969
Bach – Brandenburg Concerto No.6 in B-flat major
Bach – Violin Concerto No.2 in E major
Berg – Violin Concerto
Wagner – Parsifal Symphony
Lukas Foss, conductor
Leonid Kogan, violinist

9, 11 March 1969
Bach – Prelude, Chorale and Fugue
Debussy – Prelude to the Afternoon of A Faun
Wagner – Die Meistersinger: Overture
Tchaikovsky – Symphony No.5 in E minor, op.64

16, 18 March 1969
Brahms – Variations on a Theme by Haydn, op.56a
Haydn – Cello Concerto in C major
Strauss, R. – Don Quixote
Lukas Foss, conductor
Mstislav Rostropovich, cellist

23, 25 March 1969
Verdi – La Forza Del Destino: Overture
Nielsen – Symphony No.5, op.50
de Falla – Nights in the Gardens of Spain
Stravinsky – Firebird Suite
Sixten Ehrling, guest conductor
Jocy de Oliveira, pianist

30 March 1969
Bach – St. Matthew Passion
Lukas Foss, conductor
Marvin Hayes, bass
Richard Paige, tenor
Veronica Tyler, soprano
Joanna Simon, alto
Warren Hoffer, tenor
Thomas Paul, bass
Melvin Strauss, continuo
Squire Haskin, organist
Festival Chorus SUCNY Fredonia,
Harriet Simons, director
St.Paul’s Cathedral Boys Choir,
Frederick Burgomaster, director

13, 15 April 1969
Rameau – Concerts en Sextuor Nos.3 and 6 for Strings
Debussy – Fantasie for Piano and Orchestra
Schönberg – Pelleas and Melisande
Wagner – Tristan and Isolde: Prelude and Love-Death
Lukas Foss, conductor
Evelyne Crochet, pianist

20, 22 April 1969
Beethoven – Symphony No.8 in F major, op.93
Ives – Orchestral Set No.2
Sibelius – Violin Concerto in D minor, op.47
Lukas Foss, conductor
Henryk Szeryng, violinist

11, 13 May 1969
Ravel – Le tombeau de Couperin
Ravel – Tzigane
Ravel – Sheherazade
Mussorgsky/Ravel – Pictures at an Exhibition
Lukas Foss, conductor
Gwendolin Sims, soprano
Rivka Mandelkern, violinist
Rodney Pierce, oboist

18, 20 May 1969
Stravinsky – Les Noces
Beethoven – Symphony No.9 in D minor, op.125 “Chorale”
Lukas Foss, conductor
Yuji Takahashi, pianist
Julius Eastman, pianist
Nils Vigeland, pianist
Charles Bornstein, pianist
Gwendolin Sims, soprano
Margarethe Bence, alto
Warren Hoffer, tenor
Richard Allen, baritone
Festival Chorus SUCNY Fredonia,
Harriet Simons, director